Hi, Harrison. you really make good tutorials. They are high quality and most importantly they actually go in-depth.
I've come a long way with following tutorials and just googling for answers when I get stuck. But I am looking for that next step, to go from hobby Python guy to be able to build actual "professional" (whatever that means) projects.
Because the basics are easy to learn through the internet but things such as: - General programming mindset - How to approach a coding project - Workflow - Little tips and tricks - Help full resources - Code reviewing
and general advice. ( I can not improve things of which I am not aware of its existence)
are not.
I have no idea what I am supposed to do so I am looking to talk with Python experts.
Do you have some advice?
PS: As a suggestion for your Youtube channel, maybe create a video where you do some sort of live stream where you are just working on a python project of your own and annotate your thought process/workflow?
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Heres my advice. If you havent yet, get well versed in html5, css3, bootstrap3 (two FAST courses is all you need - can find on the net if you know where to look : 1. HTML5 and CSS3 - Just Do It - Step by Step Website Creation, 2. Create Responsive Websites with Twitter Bootstrap.
Then do sentdex python3 basics series if you havent, then practical flask web dev series, to learn to build your first pretty good website. Youll be able to fully design build and launch and maintain a website, which will should give you freelance job opportunities. From there keep building and branching out if you want, do his other series etc.
To be honest, I suck shit at programming. Ill never be a programming genius, because I dont have the motivation to be a super nerd genius and completely dedicate myself. If you want to be good, it takes motivation, hard work, perseverance, pushing through tedious frustrating rabbit hole annoying shit. But I can follow along and figure stuff out as I go, google and solve bugs, and be a mediocre programmer in the long run, building websites or programs that people need. Start small and build up. Most of the time you just need to know the very basics of a technology, and find a minimal path to get where you need to get. Thats my advice, good luck.
-kingfitz 8 years ago
Last edited 8 years ago
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The way to transition to expert is just simply to work on projects, work in teams, post to github, do some sort of code review...etc, and it comes in time.
"Professional" project means the project is paid. Being a professional yourself just means you are paid (and you don't need to be an expert to be a professional). Some people think professional in terms of some sort of "quality" measurement, so maybe that's what you meant.
For that, I would honestly say the best thing is to just create stuff and show it to people in places like reddit.com/r/learnpython, your own blog, or even on YouTube. I learn a lot by doing the tutorials. If you poke around some of my earlier tutorials, they're pretty bad. I learned a lot from people who commented and helped out. Sometimes it's painful, but overall it's good practice.
I've had quite a few requests for livestreams, especially lately. I may do it at some point. The main projects I work on have security concerns that I know I'd mess up on if I streamed. I've considered some sort of "hacktivisit" live streaming. Finding people who have problems that programs can solve, and livestreaming the solutions, or doing general data analysis livestreams on topics I am curious about. Maybe I'll do something like that, but not sure. Not sure that I could reliably churn out a stream on any sort of scheduled basis, which is pretty required.
-Harrison 8 years ago
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